7 Health Benefits and 6 Risks of Eating Bananas

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Benefit 5: Improved intestinal environment

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Bananas are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps control cholesterol levels and also regulates the intestinal environment and maintains normal intestinal function, one study shows. In addition, bananas will help with diarrhea and nutrient deficiencies.

Diarrhea symptoms cause loss of potassium and other electrolytes, and bananas replenish these nutrients.

Benefit 6: Relieves fatigue

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Bananas, which are rich in potassium, magnesium and other electrolytes, are also considered a suitable food for athletes. This is because athletes who lose electrolytes through sweating after high-intensity exercise can quickly replenish potassium and magnesium by eating bananas.

Electrolytes supplementation can also be expected to prevent muscle soreness and cramping after exercise, according to one study. In addition, bananas are suitable as a pre-workout dietary supplement or as a meal during prolonged exercise.

The fruit contains energy sources such as sucrose and fructose as well as fiber, which provide a fast and sustained energy conversion.

Next page: Risks of eating too many bananas

Text by NewSphere